HC Deb 05 November 1962 vol 666 cc585-6
16. Mr. Shinwell

asked the Minister of Labour what was the number of unemployed persons registering at employment exchanges in the County of Durham at the latest date, and the number of males, females and young persons, respectively.

Mr. Hare

The number was 30,255 at 15th October, comprising 21,739 men, 5,186 women, 2,282 boys and 1,048 girls.

Mr. Shinwell

Do not these figures create some anxiety in the right hon. Gentleman's mind? Is he aware that I have just been informed through the aegis of the Northern Echo, a paper which supports the Government, a very reputable newspaper organ, that a Sunderland firm is about to put 900 men out of employment through closing down one of its factories and that it proposes to concentrate production in a factory at Rochester, where unemployment is only 1 per cent.? Is he also aware of the intention of I.C.I. to contract very shortly? What does he intend to do about this very great problem in the North-East?

Mr. Hare

Again, I share the right hon. Gentleman's concern. As he fairly says, this is a considerable increase over the figure of last year. I also noted that this firm in Sunderland announced today that it is to close down. I am glad to say, however, that other jobs are being created, and although there is certainly no ground for complacency, one must recognise that a good deal is being done under the Local Employment Act. A good deal will also be done, I hope, to help the region in general by the acceleration of the road programme and also by the Government's recent announcement of the increase in public investment.

Several Hon. Members rose

Mr. Speaker

There is a Question specifically related to Sunderland later. I think hon. Members will be able to deal with it then.

Mr. Shinwell

Would the Minister do me a great favour and tell we where in my constituency jobs are available for men who become redundant and for the large number who are already unemployed, particularly the youths there? Will he tell us where they are?

Mr. Hare

I am trying to answer a Question which dealt with the County of Durham and which did not deal specifically with the right hon. Gentleman's constituency.

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