HC Deb 22 May 1962 vol 660 cc204-5
20. Mr. Gardner

asked the Secretary for Technical Co-operation what was the annual grant by Her Majesty's Government to Voluntary Service Overseas in each of the financial years 1958–59, 1959–60, 1960–61, and 1961–62, respectively; and what annual grant is now proposed for 1962–63.

The Secretary for Technical Co-operation (Mr. Denis Vosper)

In 1958–59, no help was asked for. In later years, grants have been and are being made as follows:

1959–60 11,000
1960–61 2,000
1961–62 17÷500
The amount for 1962–63 is under consideration.

Mr. Gardner

Is my right hon. Friend aware that, in the light of the wonderful work which is being done by Voluntary Service Overseas, these grants are lamentably small and that they come to £34,000 in all since 1959? Is my right hon. Friend aware that the American Government last year gave to the American Peace Corps, which was directly inspired by our Voluntary Service Overseas, 30 million dollars, and that this year that sum is likely to be increased to 60 million dollars? Will my right hon. Friend see whether the grant made by our Government cannot be increased in a similar way?

Mr. Vosper

I am in agreement with what my hon. and learned Friend says about the wonderful work of Voluntary Service Overseas, but this is one organisation in one aspect of overseas service. I have been having talks with all the voluntary bodies concerned, and I am having a further meeting tomorrow and will bear in mind what my hon. and learned Friend says.

Mr. Mayhew

Is the Minister aware that this organisation has tremendous possibilities for development, but that at the moment the bottleneck is finance? Will he bear in mind that Members on both sides of the House look to the Government to give a bigger lead in supporting this organisation?

Mr. Vosper

I have been having talks with all the voluntary bodies, and I am meeting them again tomorrow, when I hope I shall have something further to say.

Mr. Marten

Would not my right hon. Friend agree that it is a better principle to devote sums of money to this sort of thing and take off a little from some of the grants or loans which we give to these countries, so as to use this money to help people going out there rather than let these countries invest in something which may not be of such lasting value?

Mr. Vosper

Yes, but part of my task is to meet the requests of overseas countries for technical people, which cannot be met on a voluntary basis.