HC Deb 17 May 1962 vol 659 c1510
7. Mr. Shinwell

asked the President of the Board of Trade what measures he intends to take to bring new industries into Wingate, County Durham, in view of his decision to include this place among the development districts.

Mr. N. Macpherson

The facilities offered by the Local Employment Act will be available to industrialists moving to or expanding in the Wingate development district, as in other such districts listed under the Act. We shall do our best to bring these facilities and the advantages of the area to the attention of industrialists.

Mr. Shinwell

Can the hon. Gentleman say what is being done following the decision to make this part of my constituency a development district? Has the Board of Trade no idea of any industry being injected into the area? Is the hon. Gentleman aware that it is not medals but industry that we want?

Mr. Macpherson

We consider which places should be included in the development district list in relation to the amount of employment existing or expecting to exist in those areas. If they qualify from that point of view we put the places on the list, and then we do our best to bring industry into them.

Mr. Shinwell

Is the hon. Gentleman aware that in this small township the only remaining place of employment is likely to be closed? Is he aware that there is no other industry in the area at all?

Mr. Macpherson

That is precisely why we have put it on the development district list.