HC Deb 07 May 1962 vol 659 cc137-8
Miss Pitt

I beg to move, in page 1, line 6, to leave out from the first "the" to "which" in line 7, and to insert: Council for the Training of Health Visitors and the Council for Training in Social Work". This Amendment—and those consequential upon it connected with the titles of the councils—arises out of an undertaking that I gave when the Standing Committee discussed the most appropriate title for these two bodies. The titles we had inserted in this Measure did not find general favour from hon. Members on either side of the Committee, though none was entirely happy about an Amendment that was tabled at the time. I therefore promised that we would give further consideration to this matter. At the same time, I tentatively suggested that we might consider the title of "Council for Training in Social Work" and, as hon. Members will see, that is the title we have decided best expresses the duties that will fall on this new body.

Hon. Members will notice that in putting forward this change in title for the social workers' council, we have also suggested an alteration in the title of the health visitors' council. That point, too, arose in Committee. In particular, the hon. Member for Stoke-on-Trent, Central (Dr. Stross) suggested that if we were thinking of changing the title in the case of the social workers we must consider the consequences to the health visitors. These Amendments are put forward to bring the two titles together on much the same basis.

The alteration in the title of the social workers' council will have a further point of value, in that if it is at any time decided to extend the work of that council under Clause 3 (3)—which makes possible, following an Order made by the Privy Council, an extension into other spheres of social work, apart from health and welfare services, which are our immediate concern—it will probably be more acceptable to the other interests which might then be brought in to use the suggested title of Council for Training in Social Work. I have no reason to believe that the new titles are not acceptable, so I hope that the House will accept these Amendments.

Mr. K. Robinson

We are grateful to the hon. Lady for meeting the point that we raised in Standing Committee. Although the two titles which the Government have selected are slightly more cumbersome than the originals, they are in every other way preferable, and I am sure that they will meet the acceptance, not only of the House but of the professions concerned.

Miss Vickers

As I had the pleasure of moving the other Amendment in the Standing Committee, I should like to thank my hon. Friend for the consideration she has given to this subject.

Amendment agreed to.

Further Amendment made: In page 1, line 8, leave out "social workers" and insert "training in social work".—[Miss Pitt.]