HC Deb 02 May 1962 vol 658 cc991-2
1. Mr. G. M. Thomson

asked the Lord Privy Seal what steps Her Majesty's Government propose to take to further the objectives of the United Nations Development Decade.

The Joint Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs (Mr. Peter Thomas)

The main objective of the Development Decade is the achievement and acceleration of sound self-sustaining economic growth in the less developed countries. This continues to be the main aim of Her Majesty's Government in this field and the reason why we have substantially increased our development assistance in recent years.

Mr. Thomson

What steps are the Government taking to further the resolution passed at the last meeting of the General Assembly? Will the Government undertake to play a leading rôle in trying to make this imaginative plan a reality? In particular, will they consider raising it with the Commonwealth Prime Ministers in September and seeing whether we might not have a common Commonwealth approach to this problem?

Mr. Thomas

We certainly are already playing a leading rôle. As to the last part of the hon. Member's supplementary question, we will certainly consider what he has said. The concept of the Development Decade is one of an intensified aid effort by United Nations members through both bilateral and multilateral programmes. We already participate in various bilateral and multilateral programmes which are directed towards the aim of the Decade and we hope through these to assist less developed countries on a substantial scale.

Mr. Gibson-Watt

Will my hon. Friend bear in mind that in this most important support of the Development Decade, in the improving of the standard of living of people in certain parts of the world, he should not disregard the aid which we could give as a great livestock country in upgrading the livestock of these areas? Will he co-operate with his right hon. Friend the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food?

Mr. Thomas

I am grateful to my hon. Friend. We will certainly bear that suggestion very much in mind.

Mr. Manuel

In connection with the long-term aim of the Development Decade, will the possibility of our joining the Common Market have any repercussions on the agreements or associations that we may have with underdeveloped countries?

Mr. Thomas

That we may join the Common Market is a fact which may assist us in our economic strength and will be an important factor in the future.