HC Deb 28 March 1962 vol 656 c1334
18. Mr. Archie Manuel

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland how many applications he has received from local authorities for approval of flood prevention schemes under the Flood Prevention (Scotland) Act, 1961.

Mr. Maclay

One authority has formally submitted a scheme for approval and six others are known to be actively considering schemes.

Mr. Manuel

May I take it from what the Secretary of State has said that one scheme has been approved, or has one been submitted to him for approval? Does the fact that assistance to the value of, I think, only £20,000 is available under the Act have anything to do with the schemes not coming forward?

Mr. Maclay

No, I do not think so. My Answer was that one authority has formally submitted a scheme for approval. I cannot add to that at the moment.

Mr. Woodburn

In view of the problems concerning water supply, flooding and drainage, would not the right hon. Gentleman agree that the time has long since passed for a complete survey and control of the Whole watershed in Scotland?

Mr. Maclay

I appreciate the gravity of these matters, but we have debated them very often in relation to Bills on drainage and flooding which have become Acts of Parliament. However, I will have regard to what the right hon. Gentleman has said.