HC Deb 27 June 1962 vol 661 cc1157-8
27. Mr. Rankin

asked the Minister of Transport if he is aware that the owners have decided to close Whiting Bay pier, that this action will deprive the inhabitants of the South end of the island of Arran of direct access to the mainland, thus tending to increase the cost of living, and that it will cause them and the visitors who come to the island extreme transport inconvenience; and if he will take the steps necessary to make the pier usable for this summer with a view to its complete rehabilitation for continuous use later.

Vice-Admiral Hughes Hallett

My right hon. Friend has received an application from the owners for an order of abandonment and, in accordance with the relevant Statute, he will arrange for a local inquiry to be held after allowing the statutory period of three months for objections.

Mr. Rankin

Is not the hon. and gallant Gentleman aware that even before the order to abandon the pier was applied for, the pier was closed? Is this the sort of Parliamentary procedure which the Government are to tolerate? The pier was closed, and then the order to close it was applied for. What is he going to do about that? Does he realise that this has been done on the eve of the opening of the summer trade, and that if he allows this act to go unchallenged, he will be making a major contribution to the depopulation of the Scottish Isles, which his Government say they are trying to stop?

Vice-Admiral Hughes Hallett

There is, as I know the hon. Gentleman is aware, another pier at Brodick, eight miles away, and I understand that the steamer services are to be switched there. As to the merits of this case, I am sure that the hon. Member would not expect me to express any opinion pending the inquiry.

Mr. Rankin

Of course, I would not expect the hon. and gallant Gentleman —I say this with the greatest respect to express an opinion on a problem which he knows nothing about, but will he not try to find out something about it? If he does inquire into it, he will find that Brodick Pier cannot carry the traffic that goes to the Isle of Arran in the peak periods. Will he look into that aspect? Will he please decide to try to keep this pier at Whiting Bay open for at least the period of this summer?

Vice-Admiral Hughes Hallett

As to the first part of the hon. Gentleman's supplementary question, these are exactly the points that will come out at the public inquiry.

Mr. Rankin

But the pier is closed now.

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