HC Deb 06 June 1962 vol 661 cc458-9
31. Mr. A. Roberts

asked the Minister of Transport if construction of the Yorkshire motorway between Leeds and Sheffield will begin in the year 1963.

Mr. Hay

No, Sir. A start next year is not practicable. The work will be put in hand as soon as the statutory processes and the considerable engineering preparation are complete and funds are available.

Mr. Roberts

Can the hon. Gentleman give any idea when the work is likely to start or when the preparatory work will be completed?

Mr. Hay

No. I cannot, simply because we have found by bitter experience that the statutory processes often involve us in very considerable delay. If I were to forecast the date for the start I might well be confounded by events.

Mr. Strauss

Why does the hon. Gentleman make it a condition that funds must be available? Surely now that he has a long-term programme for road development and new roads he should know what amount is to be available for this purpose over the next few years?

Mr. Hay

Yes, but this scheme is not included in any of the long-term programmes. We hope that it will be included in a programme in the fairly near future, but I cannot say at this stage.

Sir B. Janner

Will the hon. Gentleman say why on earth he does not get on with his job? Is he really not aware of the fact that preparations for this have been going on for many years? Has he any idea of what kind of contracts will be required? Does he realise that he has lost many opportunities for getting this road proceeded with, because the facilities have been available? Why does he not put his mind to having something done quickly, since a vast amount of expenditure is being lost which could be saved—millions of pounds? He has himself declared it.

Mr. Hay

The hon. Member always over-simplifies these matters. The fact is that the draft scheme for this particular piece of motorway was published in June of last year; the objection period expired on 9th September last; we had no fewer than 46 objections, many of them complaining about the demolition of over 200 properties; and all these have got to be properly considered before we can go ahead. I do not think it is unreasonable.