HC Deb 06 June 1962 vol 661 cc442-3
8. Mr. Manuel

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what help can be obtained from the freshwater fisheries laboratory at Pitlochry by angling clubs who want to remove pike and other predatory fish from their club waters.

Mr. Leburn

The Freshwater Fisheries Laboratory gives advice to people interested in the removal of pike and other predators from their waters. In doing so the scientists suggest the most suitable method which might be employed for the waters involved and draw attention to any precautions which ought to be taken.

Mr. Manuel

May I take it from what the hon. Gentleman has said that angling clubs in Scotland will have advice readily available to them from the laboratory at Pitlochry? Is any field work done on request from angling clubs? Does someone visit these areas to give advice and to examine the problem in rivers and lochs of getting rid of predatory fish? Is it not possible that some constituents could obtain the same advice to get rid of some of the predatory nominees they have in this House?

Mr. Leburn

The members of the staff of the laboratory are always willing to visit any angling club or any river or loch to give advice. In addition, clubs can visit the laboratory on open days, and so on. The staff are always very willing to give all the help they can.