HC Deb 19 July 1962 vol 663 c611
14. Mr. MacColl

asked the Minister of Housing and Local Government and Minister for Welsh Affairs what proposals have been submitted to him by the local government commissions; what action he proposes to take on them; and when.

Sir K. Joseph

The Local Government Commission for England submitted final reports and proposals on the West Midlands Special Review Area and the West Midlands General Review Area in May, 1961, and on the East Midlands General Review Area in July, 1961.

Under the Local Government Act, 1958, I am required to publish the reports and consider any objections before deciding what action to take. Inquiries have been held into the objections to a number of major proposals and I am now studying the Inspectors' reports. I shall announce my decisions as soon as I can.

Mr. MacColl

Can the right hon. Gentleman say when that is likely to be, in view of the uncertainty that is bound to be caused by having these proposals floating around undecided?

Sir K. Joseph

I recognise that but I think that I must reserve my position. The decisions must be carefully considered, and I can only repeat that they will be made each in their own turn as soon as possible.