HC Deb 10 July 1962 vol 662 cc1136-7
24. Mr. P. Browne

asked the Postmaster-General if he is aware that the British Broadcasting Corporation's television reception in the Bideford district is unsatisfactory; and if he will ensure that urgent steps are taken to introduce the Stage III programme for this area.

Miss Pike

The B.B.C. is aware of the need for improvement in television reception in the Barnstaple-Bideford district. It is pressing on as fast as it can with the planning of its Stage III satellite stations, including the station to be built in the Barnstaple area which will serve Bideford as well. It hopes to complete all the Stage III stations before the end of 1964.

Mr. Browne

Is my hon. Friend aware that the Corporation has been pressing on with this for three years and that nothing has happened? Is she aware that reception in our area is at times non-existent but that we still pay £4 for a licence, which is ridiculous? Will my hon. Friend ensure that the pressing on is really pressing on and that it is done before the new B.B.C. channel is started?

Miss Pike

I recognise that my hon. Friend has had to be very patient in this matter. The B.B.C. has a very big programme, but I assure my hon. Friend that the Corporation is getting on with it as quickly as it can.

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