HC Deb 10 July 1962 vol 662 c1122
10. Mr. A. Royle

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies if he will give details of the response by other Governments to the recent statement by the Hong Kong Government that offers of help with its population problem would be most effective if they took the form of increased access to overseas markets for Hong Kong manufactured goods.

Mr. H. Fraser

There has been no response as yet; it is perhaps too early to expect one but I hope that other Governments will give the matter their sympathetic consideration.

Mr. Royle

In view of the severe restrictions operating against the Hong Kong Government and people in North America, will my hon. Friend give more publicity to the excellent statement recently made by the Hong Kong Government?

Mr. Fraser

Yes, Sir. I certainly will. I will place a copy in the Library, and will have it made available to our diplomatic posts.