HC Deb 04 July 1962 vol 662 c529
3. Mr. Jeger

asked the Minister of Transport what steps he is taking to increase the segregation of pedestrian and, vehicle traffic.

Mr. Marples

It is in the towns and cities that this problem is most acute and I foresee an increasing need for the separation of pedestrians and vehicles. My right hon. Friend the Minister of Housing and I myself are giving advice to this effect on specific redevelopment schemes throughout the country and we are about to issue a bulletin on the redevelopment of town centres which will emphasise this point. We expect to give further advice when the group studying the long-term problems of urban traffic has made its report.

Mr. Jeger

Has the right hon. Gentleman considered the advisability or otherwise of issuing standard patterns of advice about busy crossings in order to ensure that traffic is kept flowing on the roads and pedestrians kept safely on the pavements?

Mr. Marples

We have an advisory committee which we call the Long-Term Study Group on this particular point, with a steering group, whose chairman is Sir Geoffrey Crowther. I think that certainly within the next twelve months we shall be issuing to local authorities comprehensive advice on this problem, which I think strikes at the very root of the problem of how to cope and live with the motor car.