HC Deb 03 July 1962 vol 662 cc251-2
3. Mr. John Hall

asked the President of the Board of Trade what complaints he has received that statements and advertisements issued by the producers of smokeless fuels about the quality of their products are misleading and inaccurate.

Mr. N.Macpherson

None, Sir, over the past three years, so far as I can trace.

Mr. Hall

Is my hon. Friend aware that a recent investigation by the Consumers' Advisory Council into the efficiency of smokeless fuels showed that the advertised claims within the specifications of producers such as the National Coal Board and others are grossly misleading and provide no guide at all to the consumer? Is he aware that it is claimed that the inadequacy of many smokeless fuels may jeopardise the effectiveness of the Clean Air Act? In view of this, will he consider introducing standards which will provide some sort of protection for the consumer?

Mr. Macpherson

In reply to my hon. Friend's last question, we shall consider that, but this is primarily a matter for the British Standards Institution. In general, under the Merchandise Marks Act it is an offence to apply a false or misleading trade description. Where that is done prosecutions can be instigated by individuals or they can bring the matter to the Board of Trade and we can investigate it.

Mr. Allaun

Is the hon. Gentleman aware that the inquiry showed that in some cases up to a quarter of the material consisted of water and another 12 per cent. consisted of ash? Is he aware that in many areas the householder is having to pay so much for smokeless fuel that he is being forced either to use coal on the quiet and thus jeopardise the clean air scheme, or this winter to go without fires altogether?

Mr. Macpherson

I shall take note of what the hon. Member says; but there is a British standard which specifies the moisture content concerned.

Mr. Nabarro

Will my hon. Friend make perfectly clear that his answers to these questions relate only to solid smokeless fuels whereas the Question refers to smokeless fuels? Is it not a fact that there is no complaint whatever, voiced or otherwise, about gas, electricity or oil and that this complaint relates only to solid smokeless fuels?

Mr. Macpherson

I took my hon. Friend's Question to relate to solid smokeless fuels.