HC Deb 28 February 1962 vol 654 cc1311-2
5. Mr. Brockway

asked the Minister of Labour what representation his Department has on the Management Council of the Occupational Hygiene Service at Slough; and what contribution is made from public funds towards its maintenance and development.

Mr. Hare

My Department has two representatives on the Council. No contribution is made to the service from public funds.

Mr. Brockway

I welcome the representation of the Ministry. May I ask whether this service, which deals with heat, dust and noise in factories—and which, having begun with the Slough Trading Estate, is now serving factories over a wide area of the country—is more seriously. The figures published Indicate that the same trend goes on, although I am glad to say the number of deaths is somewhat lower.

Mr. Elwyn Jones

In view of the thoroughly unsatisfactory reply, I give notice that I propose to raise this matter yet again on the Adjournment.

Following are the figures:

working closely in contact with London University? In view of the admirable pioneer work which has been done by this centre, is not it possible for the Government to give it some encouragement in its difficulties by making a contribution to its funds?

Mr. Hare

As the hon. Gentleman knows, I have seen this service at work and there is no doubt that it is absolutely first-class. It receives considerable assistance from the Nuffield Foundation and is making a great contribution to the general knowledge on this subject. As the hon. Gentleman will also be aware, similar experiments will be carried out elsewhere. We have a lot to learn about this matter, and with the support given to this and other services in the country by the Nuffield Foundation, we shall acquire much knowledge on which we can form a judgment.