HC Deb 14 February 1962 vol 653 c1303
10. Mr. Walker

asked the Minister of Transport what further reports have been received from the Road Research Laboratory about accidents at pedestrian crossings; what recommendations were made; and what action has been taken upon them.

Mr. Marples

Two further reports have been received. The first report compares the accident rate to pedestrians on and within 50 yards of zebra crossings. The other report surveys the risks to pedestrians crossing seven roads in West London. There are no formal recommendations in the reports, but one of them suggests that experiments be made with the provision of more zebra crossings in a sample area and with the substitution of light controlled crossings for zebra crossings. As I announced last June, I am proposing to carry out an experiment with the new push-button pedestrian crossings. I should prefer to await the outcome of this experiment before considering further the Laboratory's suggestions.

Mr. Walker

Will my right hon. Friend ask the Road Research Laboratory to comment on the suggestion about the possibility of having double white lines to the approach to pedestrian crossings?

Mr. Marples

That is another question, which I answered a few months ago. I will ask the Laboratory to look into it.

Mr. Walker

The answer given a few months ago was that the Laboratory was looking into this problem as a whole. Can my right hon. Friend say whether there was a specific comment on the possibility of double white lines?

Mr. Marples

No, not yet.