HC Deb 08 February 1962 vol 653 c685
The Chairman

I understand that the hon. Member for Dudley (Mr. Wigg) does not wish to move his Amendment to page 2, line 36, at the end to add: (4) On release from full-time service, any person recalled under this section shall receive, as a member of the Territorial Army or of the reserve forces by an order made under section eleven of the Army Reserve Act, 1950, or section eleven of the Auxiliary Forces Act. 1953, a SUM equal to the excess over his actual pay of what he would have received during the period of his recalled service as a soldier serving an engagement of six years or an officer holding a regular commission (as the case may be) with an equivalent length of full-time service. for the purposes of a Division.

Mr. Wigg indicated assent.

Then The CHAIRMAN left the Chair to report the Bill, without Amendment, to the House pursuant to Order [25th January].

Bill reported, without Amendment as amended, considered.