HC Deb 07 February 1962 vol 653 cc425-6
41. Mr. Edelman

asked the Minister of Transport whether he has studied the relationship between the increased volume of advertising of alcoholic beverages in the month preceding Christmas, 1961, and the number of road accidents during this period; and whether he will make a statement.

Mr. Hay

I doubt very much whether such a study would produce any useful results.

We take every opportunity both at Christmas and at other times of warning people of the dangers of drinking and driving. New proposals for strengthening the law about drinking and driving are an important feature of the Road Traffic Bill now before this House.

Mr. Edelman

But is it not the case that last Christmas the average number of road deaths per day rose by 25 per cent.? In these circumstances, and despite the efforts of the Ministry, is it not absolutely useless for the Minister of Transport to appear on television announcing that he has just had a glass of sherry but that his wife has been driving him while at the same time powerful vested interests are concerned with the promotion of the sales of alcohol, thus making sure that the number of drivers affected by alcohol is increased at a time of such significance in regard to road casualty rates?

Mr. Hay

I take note of the hon. Gentleman's views on this matter, but I have answered the Question which he tabled. We frequently take the opportunities that present themselves to warn people about the dangers of drinking and driving, and we have now brought before the House a Bill which will strengthen our hands in this respect.

Mr. Strauss

Is the hon. Gentleman aware that when I had some Ministerial responsibility for road safety we persuaded the brewers to put up in very many of their premises posters pointing out the danger to road safety in drinking too much? Will he consider whether some further steps in this direction might not be feasible?

Mr. Hay

I can tell the right hon. Gentleman that quite recently a number of brewers have been doing this again. In addition, there have been certain advertisements by the manufacturers of alcoholic drink drawing attention to the danger of drinking and driving.

Mr. Edelman

On a point of order, Mr. Speaker. In view of the unsatisfactory nature of the reply, I give notice that I shall raise the matter on the Adjournment at the earliest opportunity.

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