HC Deb 05 February 1962 vol 653 c18
23. Mr. Willis

asked the Lord Advocate if he will remit to the Scottish Law Reform Committee the question of the rights of a landlord over goods held by his tenant on hire purchase.

The Lord Advocate

I am considering whether this question and certain other related matters should be remitted to the Committee.

Mr. Willis

I thank the Lord Advocate for that reply, but will he bear in mind the enormous increase in hire rental which does introduce new factors and create a great number of difficulties?

The Lord Advocate

I appreciate that, but this question does raise wider issues. When I mentioned related matters, I had in mind, for instance, goods held not on hire purchase but on hire. Also, if the matter be remitted, I think it will be appropriate to consider the rights of other creditors, particularly those of a creditor in respect of unpaid rates whose position is broadly similar to that of a landlord in respect of unpaid rent.