HC Deb 20 December 1962 vol 669 cc1428-9
26. Mr. Wolrige-Gordon

asked the President of the Board of Trade, in view of the high rate of unemployment now prevailing in the North-East of Scotland Development Area, what particular aspects of industrial expansion he proposes now to encourage with his powers under the Local Employment Act.

Mr. Erroll

I propose to continue to use my powers under the Local Employment Act to encourage the introduction of any type of new industry and the expansion of existing industry which offers prospects of providing continuing employment.

Mr. Wolrige-Gordon

I thank my right hon. Friend for that reply and for what he is trying to do in this area. Will he bear in mind, when he reviews it in the light of the serious nature of the figures there, that one of the surest ways of dealing successfully with the problem of unemployment in the more distant areas is to concentrate as much as possible on local natural resources and to develop them as far as one can?

Mr. Erroll

Certainly I will. One of the great advantages of the Local Employment Act over its predecessors is that it enables us to steer industries which are steerable to the places where they are most needed and can be most effectively developed.

Mr. Hector Hughes

Does the right hon. Gentleman recall the positive advice given to him during his recent visit to the north-east coast of Scotland by the Scottish T.U.C. and. particularly, by the Aberdeen Trades Council? Why has he not followed that advice? It was positive advice which, if followed, would lead to a diminution of the greatly increased unemployment in the area. What is he going to do about it?

Mr. Erroll

I receive a great deal of advice, nearly all of it sincere and well intentioned. I studied what was put to me by the Scottish T.U.C. and also explained to it the reasons why it would not be possible or practicable for me to adopt some of the items suggested.