HC Deb 17 December 1962 vol 669 cc865-9
50. Mr. Marsh

asked the Minister of Health if he will state the maintenance allocation to the Greenwich and Deptford Hospital Maintenance Committee for the current year, the amount requested when estimates were prepared, and the percentage increases in monetary and real terms over the allocation for the previous financial year.

52. Mr. H. Hynd

asked the Minister of Health if he will state the maintenance allocation to the group management committee in respect of the hospitals in the Accrington constituency for the current year, the amount requested when estimates were prepared, and the percentage increases in monetary and real terms over the allocation for the previous financial year.

55. Mr. Ledger

asked the Minister of Health if he will state the maintenance allocation to the group management committee in respect of the hospitals in the Romford constituency far the current year, the amount requested when estimates were prepared, and the percentage increases in monetary and real terms over the allocation for the previous financial year.

59. Mr. D. Jones

asked the Minister of Health if he will state the maintenance allocation to the group management committee in respect of the hospitals in the Burnley constituency for the current year, the amount requested when estimates were prepared, and the percentage increases in monetary and real terms over the allocation of the previous financial year.

61. Mr. A. Lewis

asked the Minister of Health if he will state the maintenance allocation to the group management committee in respect of the hospitals in the West Ham, North, constituency for the current year; the amount requested when estimates were prepared and the percentage increases in monetary and real terms over the allocation of the previous financial year.

Mr. Powell

As the Answers contain a large number of figures, I am circulating them in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Mr. Marsh

In the meantime, can the Minister indicate whether or not the real purchasing power of these sums represents an increase on last year?

Mr. Powell

Yes, Sir.

Mr. Ledger

Is the Minister aware that, due to the financial circumstances, letters have been sent out by the Romford Group Hospital Committee advising maintenance staff to seek alternative employment, and does he not think that that is unwise and a false economy?

Mr. Powell

I have not seen the actual letter and I would not like to judge the action of a hospital management committee without looking at the details.

Mr. D. Jones

Will the Estimates involve a reduction in the respective staffs, particularly in Burnley?

Mi. Powell

No, Sir. The allocations are permitting the expansion of nursing and other staffs throughout the country.

Mr. K. Robinson

Will the Minister now answer the first half of my last supplementary question? Are not the reserves to which he referred for maintenance for regional boards smaller than ever and in many cases non-existent so that management committees simply cannot recruit nursing staff? What does the Minister intend to de about it?

Mr. Powell

In many cases recruitment has gone ahead very fast during the earlier part of the year and, in order to keep within the allocations, it has to go ahead at a reduced rate now; but there is no reason why there should be an absolute stop in any region.

Mr. Loughlin

Will the Minister not talk just in terms merely of additional staff but of those hospitals throughout the country which, because of his meanness, are having to reduce staff, as was indicated in an Answer the right hon. Gentleman gave me last Monday?

Mr. Powell

Referring to the answer which I gave to the hon. Member last Monday, most, if not all, of the reductions referred to in that Question were called for on grounds of good administration and efficiency.

Mr. H. Hynd

Can the Minister give an assurance that the money available to hospitals in my constituency will not result in any diminution of the services which they want to perform?

Mr. Powell

It is sufficient to permit a real increase in the content of the services which they are giving.

Following are the figures:

Hospital Management Committee Initial allocation 1962–63 Percentage increase in money terms over initial allocation for 1961–62
Accrington Blackburn and District 1,268,000 6.4
Burnley 1,076,000 7.3
Deptford and Greenwich Greenwich-Deptford 1,036,000 6.3
Seamans 378,000 6.2
Romford 1,616,500 6.1
West Ham 1,455,000 10.5


1. Revised allocations for 1962–63 have not yet been settled.

2. Increases at constant pay and prices are not separately calculated for each hospital authority.

3. Allocations to Hospital Management Committees are the responsibility of Regional Hospital Boards. I do not propose to ask Boards to disclose the draft estimates of individual hospital authorities.

58. Mrs. Castle

asked the Minister of Health what allocation for expenditure on minor works and maintenance, respectively, has been made to the group management committee in respect of hospitals in Blackburn; and how this compares with the amounts requested and with the allocation for the previous financial year.

Mr. Powell

Allocations are not made for individual items of revenue expenditure. The board has approved expenditure of £2,200 on minor capital works this year, compared with £3,274 last.

Mrs. Castle

Is it not the fact that many of these urgent minor works are being held up; and that the right hon. Gentleman's grand new hospital scheme is being operated at the expense of immediate improvements that could, with very small expenditure, and fairly quickly, do a great deal to improve existing facilities? Will he not, therefore, look into this matter again?

Mr. Powell

Of course, a balance has to be kept between the application of the total available capital to new buildings and to minor works, but there is still a great mass of capital being expended upon minor works as opposed to the major new projects. It is for each board to select, year by year, the minor works that it will put in hand.