HC Deb 05 December 1962 vol 668 cc1291-2
13. Mr. Dugdale

asked the Minister of Transport if, in view of the confusion at present caused at a distance to motorists by "No Left Turn" and "No Right Turn" signs being of the same colour, he will make one of a different colour from the other.

Mr. Marples

No, Sir. I am not aware that the present signs are causing confusion to drivers generally, and I do not think that different colour signs would help very much.

Mr. Dugdale

As the Minister usually rides a bicycle he probably would not be aware that this causes confusion. Is he aware that a motorist going down in the right hand lane sees a sign that he thinks indicates no right turn? He continues down, only to find a blockage because people are, in fact, turning to the right. That causes a blockage of the fast lane to the right, which could easily be avoided if the signs were of different colours.

Mr. Marples

I should like to look at the OFFICIAL REPORT for that supplementary question, as it is rather difficult to answer now. It rather confused me as to whether I was riding a bicycle or driving a motor car. But the Warboys Committee is examining signs, and if the right hon. Gentleman would be kind enough to let me have full details of what he has in mind, I will see that the Warboys Committee considers it.

Sir J. Langford-Holt

Is my right hon. Friend aware that, despite what he says, there is a large body of opinion that these signs are confusing? Can he give any indication as to when the Committee will report?

Mr. Marples

I hope that it will be early in the New Year but, again, I hope that the House will not hold me to that date. The Warboys Committee is working extremely fast. but as this will be a comprehensive review of all signs in the country it is essential that it should be done properly.

Mr. Strauss

Will the Minister give the matter rather more sympathetic consideration than he appears to be doing at the moment, when he seems to reject the proposal out of hand? In particular, will he ask the Road Research Laboratory for its comments, because this seems to be a matter in which the Laboratory's views might be exceedingly valuable?

Mr. Marples

Yes, Sir. The Road Research Laboratory is represented on the Warboys Committee.