12. Mr. J. Wellsasked the Parliamentary Secretary for Science how many horticultural research establishments the Minister for Science and he have visited since they took up their appointments, and how many more they plan to visit before the end of this year.
§ Mr. Denzil FreethThe 18 agricultural research institutes and units which have been visited by my noble Friend or myself include four of the centres at which research relevant to horticulture is carried out. No further visits are planned for the remainder of this year, but we hope to make further visits in future.
Mr. WellsIs my hon. Friend satisfied that he and his noble Friend are paying sufficient attention to the important requirements of horticulture?
§ Mr. FreethYes. The fact that we have not visited stations does not mean that we do not take any interest in them. Equally, there is an enormous number of agricultural, industrial, medical and other research establishments which come under my noble Friend indirectly through the research councils, and the Atomic Energy Authority, and there are often important 1119 problems at those stations which necessitate our having to visit them and not others.