HC Deb 01 August 1962 vol 664 cc564-6
16. Mr. Willis

asked the Civil Lord of the Admiralty how many are at present on the advancement rosters for chief engine room artificer, chief mechanician, chief ordnance artificer, and chief electrical artificer, respectively.

Mr. C. Ian Orr-Ewing

Forty-nine engine room artificers. There are at present no mechanicians, ordnance artificers or electrical artificers waiting on roster for advancement to chief.

Mr. Willis

In view of the apparently recurring difficulties experienced on this point in these technical branches, is it not time that the Admiralty really examined the rating structure again?

Mr. Orr-Ewing

The hon. Member for Edinburgh, East (Mr. Willis) knows that this matter has been continually examined and debated. It is important that we should do all we can to draw the attention of all ships and establishments to this deficiency. We have recently put out an A.F.O. emphasising the number of men whom we need to qualify for advancement, and I have also made arrangements for the Second Sea Lord to write a letter personally to the commanders-in-chief drawing their attention to the deficiencies which exist.

Mr. Willis

Will the hon. Gentleman take steps to see why these rosters cannot be kept full?

Mr. Orr-Ewing

We are doing that.

17. Mr. Willis

asked the Civil Lord of the Admiralty how many of Her Majesty's ships at present in commission do not carry their full complement of chief electrical artificers and electrical artificers.

Mr. C. Ian Orr-Ewing

Nine, Sir. In addition forty-six, while having the correct numbers overall, carry senior electrical artificers or senior electrical mechanicians in lieu of chief electrical artificers or chief electrical mechanicians.

Mr. Willis

Does not this indicate that there is a shortage of electrical artificers and chief electrical artificers? What are the Government doing about it since, of course, this is related to the previous Question?

Mr. Orr-Ewing

The main remedy, I think, lies in an increased entry of artificer apprentices and a greater share of them going into the electrical specialisations. This we are undertaking at the moment. The other remedies include the cross-training of other artificers so that there is more flexibility of employment. The recent introduction of a mechanician apprentice entry into the radio-electrical branch, announced last July, will help in this direction.