§ 28. Mr. Liptonasked the President of the Board of Trade whether he will introduce legislation requiring limited 231 companies to include in their balance sheets independent and up-to-date valuations of all their assets.
§ Mr. N. MacphersonThe Jenkins Company Law Committee has heard evidence on this subject and my right hon. Friend would prefer to await its report, which should be available shortly, before considering any question of legislation.
§ Mr. LiptonDoes not the hon. Gentleman agree that this undesirable practice of covering up assets deceives investors, freezes expansion, and provides rich pickings for take-over "spivs"? When is the Board of Trade going to adopt Lord Hailsham's principle of getting rid of the obsolete, the inefficient and fuddy-duddy in our economy?
§ Mr. MacphersonThe hon. Gentleman will, of course, be aware of the important requirement in Section 149 of the Act itself that balance sheets shall give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the company, and that is what the accountant is there to certify.