HC Deb 16 April 1962 vol 658 cc2-30
    1. cc2-5
    2. National Assistance 816 words
    3. cc5-6
    4. Fuel Allowances 437 words
    5. cc6-8
    6. Non-insured Persons 775 words
    7. cc8-9
    8. Pamphlet 204 words
    9. cc9-10
    10. Physically-Handicapped Persons 451 words
    11. cc10-1
    12. Industrial Diseases (Dupuytrens Contracture) 279 words
    13. cc11-2
    14. Retirement Pensioners 437 words
    15. cc12-3
    16. Married Women Contributor 268 words
    17. cc13-4
    18. Non-Contributory Pension 214 words
    19. cc14-5
    20. Unemployment and Sickness Benefit 183 words
    21. cc15-6
    22. Blind Persons 360 words
    23. c16
    24. Retirement Pension 244 words
    25. cc16-7
    26. Welfare Food Services 307 words
    27. cc17-8
    28. Budget Proposals 264 words
    29. cc18-20
    30. National Insurance Fund 543 words
    31. c20
    32. Coal, Gas and Electricity 140 words
    33. cc20-1
    34. Rents and Rates 167 words
    35. cc21-2
    36. War and Industrial Disabilities 152 words
    37. c22
    38. National Health Service Contributions (Expenses) 213 words
    39. cc22-3
    40. Sweets 315 words
    1. cc23-4
    2. Fuel and Power Industries 367 words
    3. cc24-5
    4. Pipe-lines 150 words
    5. cc25-7
    6. Steel Industry 631 words
    7. cc27-9
    8. Steel Works, Shotton 900 words
    9. cc29-30
    10. Electricity Council (Advances) 159 words
  3. COAL
    1. c30
    2. Opencast Mining 147 words