HC Deb 12 April 1962 vol 657 cc1495-6
36. Mr. Boyden

asked the Minister of Education if, in view of the difficulties caused to applicants for training college places and the clearing house by the lateness of the General Certificate of Education A level examination results, he will now ask the examining boards to hold their examinations three months earlier each year.

Sir D. Eccles

No, Sir. This would be unacceptable to the schools, and impracticable for the examining bodies. I do not, however, rule out the possibility of holding the summer examinations a little earlier than at present, and this is being studied.

Mr. Boyden

Can we not do something practical for the schools? In view of the number of university applications, will the Minister not consult both the teacher training college clearing house and the university clearing house to see what can be done about the matter? Late results cause considerable difficulties for a number of successful candidates who may be disappointed in gaining entry to a college and may be lost to the teaching profession.

Sir D. Eccles

The schools are very much against going to a month like March, for reasons which the hon. Gentleman will know. It is also necessary to secure the examiners, a large number of whom are available only in the holidays

Mr. Willey

In spite of the good work done by the Secondary Schools Examinations Committee, has the time not come when there should be a general review of the General Certificate Examination by a well-established, broad-based committee?

Sir D. Eccles

That is another question which would have to be considered with great care.