HC Deb 04 April 1962 vol 657 c449
33. Mr. Moyle

asked the Minister of Transport what is the present position of the proposed Great Barr special road scheme within the borough of Oldbury; and when road operations will begin.

Mr. Hay

A draft scheme under Section 11 of the Highways Act, 1959, published on 4th March, 1960, showed this road running on viaduct over the railway for about two miles in the Borough of Oldbury. Some seventy objections were received to this part of the scheme. Detailed examination of the line has shown that it would involve substantial demolition of property and cause serious overshadowing. We are therefore investigating, in collaboration with the local authority, an alternative line to the west of the railway which seems less likely to affect homes and property. It is too early to say when road building might begin.