HC Deb 07 November 1961 vol 648 cc776-7
14. Mr. Skeet

asked the Postmaster-General what reaction there has been from customers to the introduction of all-purpose counter services at post offices.

Mr. Bevins

Public comment on all-purpose service, which has now been introduced at about 1,200 Crown Post Offices, has been entirely favourable. The new system has been successful in reducing waiting time, and I am satisfied that customers in general prefer the new system to the old one.

More offices are scheduled for conversion to the new system, and I should like to take the opportunity of saying how much I appreciate the co-operation of the staff in effecting the changeover.

Mr. Skeet

As my right hon. Friend is gratified by public response so far, may I express the hope that he will accelerate conversions throughout the country? Can he give an indication of the number of conversions which are pending and say when he is prepared to extend this system to all offices in Willesden?

Mr. Bevins

We have already dealt with 1,200 Crown post offices out of the total of 1,600 and I expect that we shall do about another 60 in the next two months.