HC Deb 30 May 1961 vol 641 cc12-3
17. Mr. Stonehouse

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies what arrangements he is making for local elections in the Island of Gozo; what consultations he has had with Maltese political parties about these elections; and if he is satisfied that political parties will be free to participate in these elections without restrictions from official or other bodies.

Mr. Iain Macleod

The elections will be conducted on 4th June in accordance with the provisions of Ordinance No. XI of 1961, copies of which have been placed in the Library. The Ordinance establishes the Gozo Civil Council which will replace a voluntary Committee in existence since 1958. Local opinion in Gozo has been consulted but not Maltese political parties. No one is debarred from participating in the elections because of his political activities, but candidates will stand as individuals and not as party representatives.

Mr. Stonehouse

Is the Colonial Secretary aware that the Church in Gozo is now engaged in a campaign of intimidation, using also the powers of interdiction, against one of the political parties? Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that this is causing a great deal of concern in the island and, in these circumstances, will he not arrange for the elections to be postponed?

Mr. Macleod

In reply to the last part of the question, certainly not. Clearly, there is a need for local government in Gozo, because at the moment any matter, however parochial, has to be decided by the central Government. Concerning the other matters which the hon. Member has raised, I understand that Mr. Mintoff has written a letter of complaint to me. I have not yet had an opportunity of studying it, but I will do so and reply to it.

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