HC Deb 02 May 1961 vol 639 cc1115-6
28. Mr. Walker

asked the President of the Board of Trade whether he will review the existing anti-dumping procedures in view of the failure of his Department to prevent the recent dumping of eggs from Poland and Roumania.

Mr. Erroll

No, Sir. I am writing to my hon. Friend explaining how our antidumping legislation operates.

Mr. Walker

Does my right hon. Friend realise that his reply will give a great deal of pleasure to egg producers throughout Roumania, who will be able to repeat next year the same dumping they have got away with this year? Is he also aware that egg producers—and, indeed, other food producers—throughout this country have completely lost confidence in the protection provided by the existing antidumping legislation?

Mr. Erroll

No. I do not think that my hon. Friend's fears are shared by the country as widely as he thinks. As regards the future. I ask him to await the receipt of my letter.

Mr. Peyton

Has my right hon. Friend heard of a saying which has been current for some time about shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted? Again and again we are told that this antidumping machinery is in existence and how efficient it is, but it is always applied too late. It is applied so late to surplus products from Poland, for example, that producers complain with great justification that it is wholly ineffective.

Mr. Erroll

The producers made an application, which was dealt with within eight days, which shows that their application was speedily considered. In considering these applications, however, we have to take account of several factors, not only whether dumping is taking place, but whether it is causing or is likely to cause material injury. In this case, we did not think that material injury was likely to be caused, because dumping was already diminishing.

Mr. S. Silverman

To satisfy his hon. Friends, could not the right hon. Gentleman approach his noble Friend the Foreign Secretary to see whether he could make representations to Poland and Roumania to induce them to double the price of their eggs next time?

Mr. Erroll

My right hon. Friend the President of the Board of Trade is responsible for trade negotiations with Poland and Roumania.

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