HC Deb 22 March 1961 vol 637 c357
4. Mr. McKay

asked the Secretary of State for Air what investigations he has made into the distinction between senior experimental officers in the Meteorological Office serving overseas with the Armed Forces and senior executive officers of the Air Ministry whom a Royal Commission recommended in 1956 should be placed in the same rank with the same remuneration and standing; and why the recommendations of the Royal Commission have not been followed.

Mr. Amery

I am not aware of any such recommendation.

Mr. McKay

If the right hon. Gentleman had studied my Question he would have seen that this is not a matter of a recommendation. Is not he aware that, when these officers are in this country, no distinction of any kind is made, but that when they are sent abroad a little paper is given to each of them which makes a distinction which the Royal Commission does not allow for? Will he investigate this problem once again?

Mr. Amery

I will investigate anything which the hon. Member asks me to. But his Question referred to a recommendation, and I was not aware of any such recommendation.