HC Deb 16 March 1961 vol 636 c1741
35. Mr. Hayman

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food what reply he made to the memorandum on the bacon industry in Great Britain submitted to him recently by the British Bacon Curers' Federation.

Mr. Soames

The memorandum mainly concerned matters affecting the Annual Review about which I shall be making a statement at the end of Questions.

Mr. Hayman

Has the Minister taken into account in that Price Review the fact that bacon factories in this country are working at less than half capacity and that more than three times what is there produced represents imports from outside the United Kingdom? Will the right hon. Gentleman see that there is stability for production in the bacon factories, because that in its turn produces stability for the pig producers?

Mr. Soames

I must ask the hon. Gentleman, broadly speaking, to await the statement which I shall make, but he will appreciate that there is a limit to the extent to which guarantee arrangements can be modified in the interests of one section of the industry.