HC Deb 06 March 1961 vol 636 c34
43. Mr. F. Noel-Baker

asked the Minister of Health if he will draw the attention of regional hospital boards to the desirability of achieving a high standard of interior design in hospitals and of employing professional consultant interior designers; to what extent professional advice is now sought on these matters; and how far his Department and regional hospital boards now use the facilities and resources of the Council of Industrial Design.

Mr. Powell

My Department is in touch with the Council of Industrial Design, and hospital authorities are making increasing use of its facilities and of professional advice on interior design. I am satisfied that boards appreciate the importance of a high standard in this respect.

Mr. Noel-Baker

I thank the Minister for that Answer. I beg him to do what he personally can to see that close liaison is developed and maintained with the Council, which is really highly qualified in these matters. Further, will he accept that there is some way still to go in this direction and there are some backward hospitals and backward boards? Will he do all he can to encourage co-operation with the C.O.I.D.?

Mr. Powell

This is certainly an important aspect of hospital planning, and, incidentally, it is one which experience in the hon. Gentleman's own constituency carried a stage further.