HC Deb 29 June 1961 vol 643 cc648-9
25. Mr. Willey

asked the Minister of Education how many additional teachers would be required to eliminate oversize classes in maintained and assisted schools by 1970, for junior pupils and for senior pupils, respectively.

Sir D. Eccles

Estimates made last year show that 25,000 additional teachers would be required for juniors and 48,000 for seniors, but new calculations now in progress suggest provisionally that the total of these figures will need to be revised upwards by between 5 and 10 per cent.

Mr. Willey

Does the right hon. Gentleman recognise that, in the light of these figures, the steps which he has taken to support the increased numbers attending training colleges are inadequate? Something dramatic must be done if we are to meet the demand for more teachers.

Sir D. Eccles

As the hon. Gentleman knows, there are several sources for recruiting teachers, but as far as the colleges are concerned the expansion programme which we have at the moment is just about as big as we can manage.

Dr. King

Is the right hon. Gentleman in a position to say whether the expanded teacher college programme which he has in operation will be able to cope with the provision of the extra teachers demanded in order to eliminate over-sized classes and the extra number required by Crowther by 1970?

Sir D. Eccles

I cannot say that because I cannot tell what the wastage will be over these years.

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