HC Deb 28 June 1961 vol 643 c432
21. Mr. Brockway

asked the Lord Privy Seal how far the recommendations by the Control Commission in Laos, that all foreign military personnel should be withdrawn and that military supplies from foreign sources should cease, have been observed.

Mr. Heath

These and other matters raised by the Commission are now being discussed at the Conference in Geneva.

Mr. Brockway

What is happening to the proposal that the International Commission should be responsible both for preventing the importation of any foreign arms or military aid and for the peace truce? What has happened to that proposal and what is the position now?

Mr. Heath

Draft proposals were put forward by the French delegation which covered all these matters. Alternative proposals have also been tabled, and they are still under discussion at the conference. We are anxious that the conference should reach a decision about them.

Mr. P. Noel-Baker

Will the right hon. Gentleman consider further the proposal that the Commission's reports should be published? He has been good enough to put them in the Library, but is he aware that the last report in the Library is dated 31st May, which makes it very difficult for hon. Members to follow what is going on?

Mr. Heath

I will see whether any further documents can be placed in the Library, and I will look again at the question of publication, which is being considered.