HC Deb 05 July 1961 vol 643 c1601

Amendment made: In page 17, line 39, at end insert: (3) Where the tenancy of a croft is terminated, any sublease of that croft subsisting immediately before the date of such termination shall come to an end on that date: Provided that where a sublease comes to an end by virtue of the foregoing provisions of this subsection the Commission may, on an application in that behalf made to them by the subtenant within one month from the date on which the sublease came to an end as aforesaid, make an order permitting the subtenant to remain in occupation of the croft for such period, not exceeding one year from the said date, and subject to such conditions, as may be specified in the order; and no proceedings for the removal of the subtenant from the croft shall be taken by the owner of the croft before the expiry of the said period of one month or, if an application is made under this subsection to the Commission by the subtenant within that period, before the date of the determination of the Commission on such application.—[The Lord Advocate.]