HC Deb 30 January 1961 vol 633 cc590-1
28. Mr. J. Hynd

asked the Lord Privy Seal what steps are being taken by Her Majesty's Government in pursuance of Resolution No. 182 of the Consultative Assembly of the Council of Europe, in particular with regard to calling for an inquiry by the International Red Cross into conditions prevailing in the detention centres of the Soviet zone of Germany, and obtaining an alleviation in the conditions of political prisoners.

Mr. Heath

Her Majesty's Government have not taken any steps in pursuance of Resolution 182, which calls for no specific action on the part of member Governments, but which has, I understand, been communicated to the International Red Cross.

Mr. Hynd

In view of the fact that there has been considerable controversy about the actual conditions of these prisoners, will the Government give support to the proposition that it seems desirable that the services of the Red Cross should be used in order to clear it up.

Mr. Heath

Her Majesty's Government certainly share the sentiments underlying this resolution.

29. Mr. J. Hynd

asked the Lord Privy Seal what steps are being taken by Her Majesty's Government in pursuance of Resolution No. 184 of the Council of Europe Consultative Assembly towards securing the closing down of refugee camps in Italy and resettling handicapped refugees, the providing of vocational training for Italian and foreign migrants, and assisting freedom of movement for workers in Europe.

Mr. Heath

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees recently stated that as a result of the World Refugee Year fund-raising campaign, to which Her Majesty's Government as well as voluntary organisations made a substantial contribution, his camp clearance programme is now "totally and completely assured". This means that all refugees, including those in Italy, who qualify under his programme will have left the camps by the end of 1961.

Mr. Hynd

While thanking the Minister for that reply, might I ask whether Her Majesty's Government, in addition to supporting these activities financially, will bear in mind the other two aspects of this problem mentioned in the recommendation and give whatever moral support they can to their implementation.

Mr. Heath

I will certainly bear that in mind.