HC Deb 30 January 1961 vol 633 c586
16. Mr. Frank Allaun

asked the Lord Privy Seal what steps he proposes to take in 1961 to end the cold war and to bring about peaceful co-existence between East and West.

Mr. Heath

Her Majesty's Government's views on East-West relations were well described in the statement issued by the three Western Heads of Government on 17th May last year, in Paris. They said that they remained unshaken in their conviction that all outstanding international questions should be settled not by the use or threat of force but by peaceful negotiation. They themselves remained ready to take part in such negotiations at any suitable time in the future. This will continue to guide our action in 1961.

Mr. Allaun

Will the right hon. Gentleman tell the Foreign Secretary of the growing view that every time he opens his mouth in public, he makes a cold war propaganda speech, that this is the worst possible way to secure coexistence, and that the only alternative to co-existence is non-existence?

Mr. Heath

I cannot possibly accept that view of my noble Friend's speeches, in which he has always placed very carefully the balance between defending the interests of this country and the Western world and negotiating with those who are prepared to negotiate.

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