HC Deb 28 February 1961 vol 635 cc1364-5
34. Mr. Brewis

asked the President of the Board of Trade what consultations he had with the Secretary of State for War before the tender of Mr. H. G. Pounds for Cairnryan Military Port was accepted.

Mr. N. Macpherson

I can assure my hon. Friend that full consultation took place covering, in particular, the employment likely to be provided by this firm and other tenderers.

Mr. Brewis

Is my hon. Friend aware that my constituent will be pleased to know that employment was considered, but did his right hon. Friend make any independent assessment of the suitability of Mr. Pounds as a likely person to establish an industry?

Mr. Macpherson

My right hon. Friend formed the impression that Messrs. Pounds offered the best use and employment potential.

Mr. Manuel

Could the hon. Gentleman give the House any indication of what promise of actual employment was given? Many of us in Scotland are very interested in the port. We feel that there has been shameful neglect in the use of facilities there. Ought we not to be told what promise was given about actual employment?

Mr. Macpherson

There is no question of a promise of employment, but the indication and expectation of employment was 300.

35. Mr. Brewis

asked the President of the Board of Trade whether he is aware that the sale of Cairnryan Military Port to Mr. H. G. Pounds has not produced any employment; and what action he proposes to take to ensure that some productive industry is established there.

Mr. N. Macpherson

My right hon. Friend is aware that the firm has not so far provided the permanent employment expected. The firm has been invited to meet officials of the Board of Trade to discuss the situation, but has not so far responded.

Mr. Brewis

Is my hon. Friend aware that Mr. Pounds has personally stated that he wishes to resell the port? As the benefits of the Local Employment Act have not been very conspicuous in this area, will the Minister re-purchase the port and lease it to a more suitable industrial firm?

Mr. Macpherson

In reply to the first part of that supplementary question, the information given by the hon. Member is not in accordance with the information that we have. The second part of that question seems a different matter from the Question on the Order Paper. Perhaps my hon. Friend will put it down for answer.