HC Deb 23 February 1961 vol 635 c770
14. Mr. Berkeley

asked the Secretary of State for Commonwealth Relations whether he is aware of the controversial political activities, in London, of the Deputy High Commissioner for Ghana; and, in view of the undesirability of Commonwealth diplomats, even though British citizens, indulging in such activities, whether he will make formal representations to the Government of Ghana regarding these breaches of the accepted rules of diplomatic usage.

Mr. Sandys

It would be contrary to established practice for me to remark on the conduct of a member of the Diplomatic Corps.

Mr. Berkeley

While understanding the reasons for the nature of my right hon. Friend's reply, may I ask whether he is aware that my Question casts no reflection whatever upon Sir Edward Asafu-Adjaye, the High Commissioner for Ghana, whom we all greatly admire and the unprovoked assault upon whom last summer we all very much deplored? Is my right hon. Friend aware that I have now been informed that the controversial political activities of the Deputy High Commissioner for Ghana will cease altogether in the future?

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