HC Deb 22 February 1961 vol 635 c500
32. Mr. Milian

asked the Minister of Labour how many registered disabled persons in Glasgow were unemployed at the latest available date.

Mr. Hare

One thousand nine hundred and forty-seven on 20th February.

Mr. Milian

Did the Minister say 1,947? Is that not an extraordinarily high figure? Is he aware of the extreme difficulty that these disabled persons in Glasgow experience in getting jobs in view of the high unemployment in the area? What steps is the right hon. Gentleman taking to encourage employers to adopt a more liberal attitude towards these people and not to turn them down for jobs for which they are fit even with their disablement?

Mr. Hare

I sympathise with much of what the hon. Member has said. This is a high figure. My officers will, of course, continue to do all that they can to find work for these people. Certainly, there will be no relaxing in that direction. There is a good side to the picture, I am glad to say; the position has improved in the last twelve months, during which the number of disabled persons unemployed in Glasgow dropped by 387, or 16½ per cent. We are, therefore, making some progress.