HC Deb 22 February 1961 vol 635 cc497-8
28. Mr. Boyden

asked the Minister of Labour what progress has been made in adopting the suggestion of the Industrial Training Council that firms with training schemes in development districts recruit more apprentices than they require for the benefit of companies coming to these districts; and what financial support he proposes to offer towards such a scheme.

The Minister of Labour (Mr. John Hare)

My inquiries indicate that the prospects of making such arrangements other than exceptionally are not good. My officers are in touch with incoming firms about their training needs and plans and will bring any possibilities of this kind to their notice. The financing of such arrangements is a matter between the firms concerned.

Mr. Boyden

Is it good enough to accept this in principle and not to give financial support? Surely, financial support would make all the difference?

Mr. Hare

I think that where two firms are able to agree such arrangements, they should be able to settle the financial question between them.

Mr. Prentice

Is it not clear from the Report originally sent to the Minister by the Industrial Training Council that many firms in the areas mentioned by the Council will take less apprentices than are desirable? If special measures are not taken to get firms to take more apprentices than otherwise they would take, does not this mean that this large generation of school leavers will have fewer opportunities than they should? Will not the Minister take action?

Mr. Hare

I do not accept what the hon. Member has said. As he knows, however, I am concerned about the whole problem and I am having detailed inquiries made in development districts to find out to what extent training capacity might be available to meet the needs of incoming firms.

Mr. Speaker

Mr. Boyden—Question No. 29.

Mr. Ellis Smith

Will the Minister bear in mind that there is a trade union point of view concerning this matter?

Mr. Speaker

Order. I have called the next Question.

29. Mr. Boyden

asked the Minister of Labour how many companies setting up factories in development districts have established training facilities in advance of opening their factory.

Mr. Hare

This has been done in some cases. I am at the moment having a survey made of the training needs and plans of incoming firms. When this is completed, I will send the hon. Member any further information on this question which becomes available.

Mr. Boyden

Have any such steps been taken in my constituency?

Mr. Hare

I will check up, and when I write to the hon. Member I will let him know.