HC Deb 21 February 1961 vol 635 cc289-90
11. Mr. Cronin

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer if, in view of the fact that fuel oil for heating was exempted from general hydro-carbon oil duties in 1947 in the circumstances of an entirely different fuel situation, he will now consider introducing a duty on fuel oil for heating, making an appropriate reduction in some other form of indirect taxation so as to avoid increasing the cost of living.

Mr. Selwyn Lloyd

I cannot anticipate my Budget statement, but I have noted the hon. Member's suggestion.

Mr. Cronin

Will the right hon. and learned Gentleman nevertheless bear in mind that this is an absurd situation, in which an industry which is so basic as the coal mining industry, which is already handicapped by obligations dating from very long before the war, should have to compete most unfairly with fuel products imported from abroad?

Mr. Lloyd

I am aware of that consideration.

Mr. H. Wilson

When the right hon. and learned Gentleman is considering my hon. Friend's proposal, would he also note the fact that a tax of lid. on this oil would provide enough Revenue to remove the whole of the taxation on diesel oil for road passenger transport?

Mr. Lloyd

I will certainly bear that matter in mind.

18. Mr. Gourlay

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer what representations he has received from Kirkcaldy Town Council against the present rate of tax on fuel oil used in public service vehicles; and what was the nature of his reply.

Mr. Selwyn Lloyd

I have received representations asking me to remove or reduce the duty on such oil, and I have informed the council that I have noted their representations.

Mr. Gourlay

Will the Chancellor bear in mind, when considering any remission of taxation in his Budget, that in preference to reducing the liability of the Surtax payer, he should consider reducing the heavy tax on fuel oil, which represents a considerable burden on the workers, whose bus fares have risen substantially in the past few years?

Mr. Lloyd

I will certainly take note of what the hon. Member says.