HC Deb 02 February 1961 vol 633 c1157
Mr. Brockway

According to the historic rights of citizens of this country, I desire to present a Petition to the honourable Commons of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland from residents of the Borough of Slough and adjoining districts.

As this Petition is on similar lines to others which have been presented this week, I do not intend to limit Question Time by reading it in detail. It is signed by 1,500 residents of the Borough of Slough and adjoining districts, including leading citizens, county councillors, aldermen, councillors, and others. It emphasises that the housing problem and the inhuman effects of the Rent Act are not limited to the London area.

In particular, in relation to Slough, it showeth the suffering caused by, first, the decontrol of housing and increasing rents due to the Rent Act; second, the restrictive policy of the Government which has crippled the efforts of the local authorities to meet Slough's pressing needs; third, the high interest charges resulting in increased rents and rates and higher mortgage charges; and, fourth, the Government's failure to impose control on land speculation.

The Petition concludes:

Wherefore your Petitioners pray that Her Majesty's Government will take immediate steps to deal with this distressing problem.

And your Petitioners, as in duty bound, will ever pray.

To lie upon the Table.