HC Deb 01 February 1961 vol 633 c985
57. Dr. Stross

asked the Minister of Transport whether the station of Stoke-on-Trent has been included in the capital sum allocated for the improvement and extension of railway stations.

Mr. Marples

The Commission has put to me no proposals for major works at Stoke-on-Trent Station. I understand, however, that it proposes to undertake certain minor works there in the course of the electrification work on the London-Midland main line.

Dr. Stross

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware how very disappointing and unbusinesslike this is? Is he aware that it was originally proposed by the Commission to spend £1 million on this station because of the vast amount of traffic that goes through it and because it is quite inadequate to deal with the business of North Staffordshire? Will he do something himself and suggest that there should be a further allocation and a radical alteration by way of improvement?

Mr. Marples

No, Sir, because this is a matter for the Commission. If it were to put forward proposals to me, I should certainly consider them on their merits.

Mrs. Slater

Will the Minister approach the Commission about it, because a tremendous amount of freight as well as passenger traffic goes through the station and the conditions for the men who work there are simply appalling and it is about time some improvements were made, if only for them?

Mr. Marples

The Commission watches proceedings in this House carefully and I have no doubt that it will note what the hon. Lady has said.

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