HC Deb 18 December 1961 vol 651 c921
15. Mr. I. Davies

asked the Minister of Labour what is the total strength of the Factory Inspectorate in Wales; and whether any additions are being considered in view of the increasing number of industrial accidents.

Mr. Hare

There are 20 inspectors stationed in Wales. I recently announced an increase in the size of the Factory Inspectorate as a whole. The needs of Wales will be taken into account in allocating the additional staff as it becomes available.

Mr. Davies

I appreciate that Answer, but is the Minister aware that works safety committees have played a most effective part in the cause of accident prevention? Having regard to his emphasis earlier on the need for safety consciousness, does not he consider that the Factory Inspectorate should play a greater part in encouraging the establishment of these committees in many factories where they do not at present exist?

Mr. Hare

I agree with what the hon. Gentleman says about the importance of works safety committees. Certainly my inspectors will do all that they can to encourage their formation and the greater working efficiency of some. I am having discussions with both sides of industry on this problem. I should like the hon. Gentleman's support and that of his hon. Friends as well as of my hon. Friends to see what we can do to promote safety consciousness.