HC Deb 11 December 1961 vol 651 cc8-9
8. Mr. Frank Allaun

asked the Minister of Health what amounts of cod liver oil and orange juice were distributed by the Health Department in Salford for the twelve weeks starting 4th July, 1960, and a similar period starting 3rd July, 1961; and what was the percentage decrease in each welfare food.

24. Mrs. Butler

asked the Minister of Health what quantities of welfare foods were dispensed in Middlesex during the period 1st July to 30th September in 1960 and 1961, respectively.

Miss Pitt

I will circulate the figures in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Mr. Allaun

I am sure that these figures will show the same trend as everywhere else, that they have gone down by about three-quarters. Does the Minister realise that there are many homes where every penny counts, and in which they really do go short of food? Are not these precisely the families whose health is being hit by these miserable, skinflint, charges on cod liver oil and orange juice? Does the Minister think that people drink cod liver oil for fun? They drink it because they need it. Surely the Government should reconsider this? I plead with the Minister to reconsider this miserable business.

Miss Pitt

There are some Questions on policy later on the Order Paper, and I will not anticipate those, but any family in need, particularly those already receiving National Assistance benefit, can receive these supplements free.

Mrs. Butler

Does the hon. Lady realise that in No. 2 health area of Middlesex, which covers Wood Green, this 70 per cent. drop in the take-up of orange juice, cod liver oil, and A and L) tablets resulted, in a two-month period, in the paltry saving of £142? If the increase in administrative costs is included, there is a loss instead of a profit for the whole period. If this mopping up of the saving for the country as a whole by administrative costs is taken into consideration, what is the purpose of these increases in the charge on welfare foods, when we all know that they are harmful

Welfare Food 1960 1961
Salford (1) Cod liver oil (bottles) 1,695 633
(62.65 per cent. decrease)
Orange juice (bottles) 16,435 5,815
(64.62 per cent. decrease)
Middlesex (2) Cod liver oil (bottles) 26,537 9,168
Vitamin tablets (packets) 30,512 15,626
Orange juice (bottles) 259,962 109,680
National Dried Milk (tins) 62,048 58,295
(1) 12 weeks commencing 4th July, 1960, and 3rd July, 1961.
(2) Quarter ending 24th September, 1960, and 30th September, 1961.