HC Deb 06 December 1961 vol 650 cc1360-70
19. Mr. Ainsley

asked the Minister of Labour if he will give the figures, for each employment exchange area in the county of Durham, of unemployed, male and female, over the past 12 months from November, 1960 to the present day, stating separately those from juvenile employment offices.

Mr. Green

As the Reply consists of a Table of figures, I will, with permission, circulate it in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Mr. Ainsley

Is the Parliamentary Secretary aware that at the weekend I attended a secondary school which has 1,097 children or young people on its rolls? They will shortly come on to the employment market. As there is no prospect of employment in the area, what do the Government intend to do to help these young people?

Mr. Green

I am sure that none of us wishes to exaggerate the problem, even if a problem exists. The facts at the moment are that this year there were nearly 2,500 more summer school leavers than there were in 1960. I am glad to say that only 137 of those are still seeking work.

Mr. Short

Is it not a fact that by far the biggest occupational group in the tragic unemployment figures of the North-East is the unskilled worker? Cannot the Government tackle this problem in two ways—first, by initiating training schemes for unskilled workers and, secondly, by themselves providing work for unskilled workers?

Mr. Green

The hon. Gentleman will be aware that we are doing our best to diversify industry in the Northern Region. This will help very much, because the wider the range of skills the wider the range of training for those skills.

Following is the table:

14th Nov., 1960 12th Dec., 1960 16th Jan., 1961 13th Feb., 1961 13th Mar., 1961 10th Apr., 1961 15th May, 1961 12th June, 1961 10th July, 1961 14th Aug., 1961 11th Sept., 1961 16th Oct., 1961 13th Nov., 1961
Employment Exchange
Barnard Castle
Men 51 53 75 68 66 41 21 23 27 21 25 39 45
Women 15 15 17 19 17 15 10 8 11 7 7 19 24
Billingham (formerly Haverton Hill)
Men 88 66 62 57 53 49 54 41 39 61 78 101 118
Women 53 55 53 50 54 49 49 48 49 41 72 92 82
Men 88 86 95 87 68 70 55 46 43 64 66 70 88
Women 41 41 36 31 40 42 27 19 17 23 31 40 29
Bishop Auckland
Men 424 415 460 429 380 358 364 339 333 355 389 418 438
Women 102 118 121 119 112 113 119 116 113 79 116 114 161
Men 222 212 221 214 211 194 187 200 177 180 220 242 267
Women 64 53 59 55 43 50 43 41 43 37 41 50 42
Men 300 286 314 279 245 219 192 196 183 215 221 252 290
Women 67 67 63 63 59 53 75 53 41 37 47 41 38
Men 175 218 214 199 200 183 169 199 204 215 351 305 327
Women 100 118 93 97 100 111 85 79 73 67 72 85 89
Men 341 333 350 345 298 288 284 242 243 268 306 427 443
Women 47 50 48 47 47 53 48 36 41 45 50 41 46
Men 389 391 415 411 877 596 519 340 350 453 421 785 974
Women 215 210 218 221 228 234 217 190 180 219 203 232 267
Men 419 432 451 415 374 432 374 352 387 367 383 440 484
Women 48 41 42 46 41 56 51 28 30 41 52 56 46
East Bolden
Men 101 102 110 108 88 78 54 55 52 41 55 55 70
Women 22 22 24 28 28 28 33 16 18 10 17 12 9
Men 241 280 312 273 234 233 223 206 202 232 215 203 250
Women 67 92 85 93 70 84 71 85 90 78 69 71 83
14th Nov., 1960 12th Dec., 1960 16th Jan., 1961 13th Feb., 1961 13th Mar., 1961 10th Apr., 1961 15th May, 1961 12th June, 1961 10th July, 1961 14th Aug., 1961 11th Sept., 1961 16th Oct., 1961 13th Nov., 1961
Men 1,013 1,063 1,156 1,110 1,032 968 868 822 802 822 820 866 940
Women 192 168 207 202 192 184 180 151 148 131 170 177 162
Men 147 163 149 144 128 170 143 160 180 165 174 153 283
Women 84 85 67 57 60 59 53 40 41 45 44 50 68
Men 135 128 139 139 132 121 113 99 88 91 102 112 117
Women 62 59 60 57 54 47 41 21 16 22 20 28 22
Men 327 326 307 315 259 251 242 225 222 260 246 287 306
Women 300 276 277 274 243 249 173 124 110 80 107 123 115
Men 517 527 582 523 486 470 453 411 393 390 404 420 441
Women 139 201 138 132 120 104 154 113 101 113 131 130 162
Jarrow and Hebburn
Men 824 891 754 670 574 684 638 536 539 504 649 660 765
Women 382 358 330 335 327 329 319 302 290 278 315 333 374
Men 38 45 74 68 47 25 15 15 12 18 18 27 30
Women 4 4 4 6 6 5 5 8 5 7 7 8 9
Men 1,019 954 1,054 1,023 878 875 1,041 815 779 823 795 791 854
Women 405 406 433 460 432 428 761 296 311 260 269 274 277
Seaham Harbour
Men 389 420 468 410 402 372 353 303 288 299 285 290 283
Women 233 226 231 245 230 209 241 199 176 215 210 208 200
Men 74 70 78 65 77 68 56 57 47 55 51 78 84
Women 16 18 23 23 23 20 18 17 14 15 25 21 19
South Shields
Men 1,861 2,071 1,718 1,721 1,563 1,521 1,426 1,140 980 963 1,226 1,441 1,701
Women 410 395 407 394 390 397 361 360 309 313 316 334 310
Men 548 551 587 531 501 495 508 438 444 447 469 468 498
Women 164 214 194 171 170 179 259 133 145 127 142 139 139
Men 353 377 377 354 335 364 343 295 268 294 284 318 364
Women 67 71 73 81 97 106 94 88 74 65 68 69 80
14th Nov., 1960 12th Dec, 1960 16th Jan., 1961 13th Feb., 1961 13th Mar., 1961 10th Apr., 1961 15th May, 1961 12th June, 1961 10th July, 1961 18th Aug., 1961 11th Sept., 1961 16th Oct., 1961 13th Nov., 1961
Men 335 345 382 350 341 356 338 318 326 369 413 428 438
Women 119 155 89 95 81 81 81 81 79 66 77 95 89
Stockton and Thornaby
Men 715 680 717 687 626 569 574 526 553 586 597 775 839
Women 283 259 284 289 264 277 307 329 175 203 235 285 266
Men 1,687 1,728 1,822 1,774 1,599 1,470 1,430 1,344 1,327 1,333 1,331 1,356 1,664
Women 308 533 336 331 290 295 397 205 186 171 177 301 345
Washington Station
Men 83 84 90 84 82 84 78 60 68 80 80 76 74
Women 32 31 27 24 27 28 28 30 29 21 30 23 29
West Hartlepool
Men 701 772 766 797 737 703 680 709 784 900 1,131 1,178 1,203
Women 353 336 294 298 277 266 263 241 261 260 306 309 402
Men 215 222 229 226 200 212 202 172 169 196 195 225 243
Women 55 65 75 96 108 97 88 77 74 70 78 79 80
Total, Adults
Men 13,820 18,291 18,528 13,876 13,093 12,519 11,997 10,684 10,509 11,067 12,000 13,294 18,921
Women 4,449 4,742 4,408 4,442 4,230 4,256 4,651 3,534 3,250 3,186 3,504 3,839 4,064
14th Nov., 1960 12th Dec., 1960 16th Jan., 1961 13th Feb., 1961 13th Mar., 1961 10th Apr., 1961 15th May, 1961 12th June, 1961 10th July, 1961 14th Aug., 1961 11th Sept., 1961 16th Oct., 1961 13th Nov., 1961
Employment Exchange
South Wales
Boys 55 49 116 81 55 89 48 24 27 150 106 74 56
Girls 28 32 38 33 25 35 20 19 17 40 42 29 28
West Hartlepool
Boys 50 46 73 45 26 47 37 30 25 87 120 119 183
Girls 8 8 16 21 10 22 12 10 4 35 43 22 27
Youth Employment Office
Bishop Auckland
Boys 27 18 41 21 27 19 13 12 13 28 34 28 23
Girls 17 10 22 17 20 15 9 8 8 21 19 17 42
Boys 19 16 45 30 12 30 13 7 6 48 38 23 18
Girls 10 11 25 26 15 14 13 16 10 31 22 27 25
Boys 26 20 47 33 29 42 32 19 14 51 50 39 32
Girls 9 9 22 19 17 15 10 10 12 24 27 20 16
Consett (Black Hill)
Boys 19 18 46 22 17 31 17 12 12 46 42 27 21
Girls 8 9 16 13 8 4 4 2 7 32 29 16 13
Boys 14 12 20 18 8 10 8 8 6 16 14 20 15
Girls 8 7 14 12 8 12 10 8 2 11 9 11 15
Boys 13 12 20 9 23 19 7 8 4 62 30 36 38
Girls 10 5 31 14 11 27 10 8 8 79 30 15 15
Boys 13 16 31 28 19 21 14 9 7 29 24 19 17
Girls 8 4 17 4 10 9 3 4 8 39 35 34 22
Easington (Horden)
Boys 50 48 77 59 42 57 38 37 36 50 68 44 40
Girls 17 20 26 21 16 13 13 8 9 33 22 18 12
Boys 15 4 92 24 22 61 28 13 19 318 141 38 50
Girls 9 2 15 12 11 19 11 12 16 199 41 21 12
Boys 21 25 64 51 23 43 28 21 16 74 71 32 27
Girls 11 9 22 13 8 16 7 4 10 43 34 21 13
14th Nov., 1960 12th Dec., 1960 16th Jan., 1961 13th Feb., 1961 13th Mar., 1961 10th Apr., 1961 15th May, 1961 12th June, 1961 10th July, 1961 14th Aug., 1961 11th Sept., 1961 16th Oct., 1961 13th Nov., 1961
Boys 42 49 109 82 63 72 47 48 36 100 109 59 41
Girls 17 11 14 19 19 18 15 9 9 25 30 21 22
Boys 18 15 41 17 13 26 19 15 17 44 55 33 31
Girls 21 20 31 31 19 22 14 17 15 44 47 20 23
Boys 27 22 44 34 25 42 31 19 18 61 63 31 29
Girls 10 4 13 11 7 13 10 6 24 23 21 11 11
Boys 23 21 54 34 31 35 22 12 13 84 62 40 39
Girls 8 7 22 16 26 30 13 8 13 40 25 13 21
Sunderland (C.B.)
Boys 130 98 202 145 92 155 93 79 65 248 169 95 64
Girls 25 30 69 28 40 60 166 29 40 214 87 53 25
Sunderland (N.E. District)
Boys 32 31 72 66 41 40 28 21 17 41 58 51 46
Girls 8 8 19 25 21 17 30 7 6 34 16 22 11
Total, Young Persons
Boys 594 520 1,194 799 568 839 523 394 351 1,537 1,254 808 770
Girls 232 206 432 335 291 361 370 185 218 967 579 391 353
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