HC Deb 03 August 1961 vol 645 c1619
4. Miss Herbison

asked the President of the Board of Trade, in view of the decision of Hollins and Company Limited to cease production at Newhouse, what action he is taking to find a new occupant for the factory which will provide work for the women and men displaced.

Mr. Maudling

The Board's regional office is at present negotiating with a prospective new occupant, who will, it is hoped, provide substantially more jobs in this factory than before.

Miss Herbison

The President of the Board of Trade will be aware that that is good news for those about to lose their work. He will also be aware that the firm likely to take them had already planned a big extension. We are really losing 400 jobs in this area. Is it possible for the right hon. Gentleman to use his influence with the Board of Trade and with other bodies interested in the bringing of industry to Scotland to get them to work together more closely so that when big prospective industries are on the scene we know about them quickly and start them?

Mr. Maudling

I am certainly anxious to get more firms to come into this part of Scotland. My regional officers are working as hard as they can on this, and I will do all I can to support them.